A Little Night Burglary [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 23:06:13 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The Mozarts of malfeasance
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]This is kind of nostalgic, Aurelie mused as darkness fell outside her shop, the purples and blues of the sunset giving way to the velvet blackness of dusk. Waiting for a tough redhead to come help me rob a warehouse for its metal.

However, unlike —whom Aurelie still remembered fondly— wasn't someone she knew particularly well. She had heard of her through , of course, in glowingly complimentary terms, and she'd watched Parker in the SPECTRA Gauntlet tournament. After her brutally impressive performance, Aurelie had no qualms admitting Parker was a much better fighter than she was.

It'd been more than enough to invite her to team up for a caper Aurelie had been considering for a while.

War was coming, after all. Everyone in Rocket could scent blood in the air and sense the vibrations of marching armies and Pokemon already thrumming along the ground. And war needed weaponry and machinery to be conducted successfully, and weaponry and machinery usually meant metal.

Especially Aurelie's favorite type of weaponry, which inevitably involved blades of all kinds. Located in northern Lilycove City was a metal supplier whose warehouse was positively overflowing with boxes, crates, and storage containers full of materials. Having always despised this supplier for their exorbitant overpricing, Aurelie giggled every time she thought about stealing their metal for Rocket's cause.

The job would need at least two people, though, at the bare minimum. Would Parker be interested enough to show up? Or say yes to the idea? Or would she think it was weird to team up with some strange one-eyed Rocket woman she barely knew?

Pulling up the metal supplier's website to check their hours, Aurelie waited patiently, keeping her ears perked for anyone knocking or ringing the bell on her shop's front door.


| Mission: Stealing Steel (CoC)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 4:27:12 GMT
parker jones Avatar

she asked nomi this: nomi, some chick named aurelie just requested me for bodyguard services. she a cool one or a crazy one?

and in return, she got this: aurelie? oh! yeah, she's great! smarter than she gives herself credit for. she makes swords! isn't that cool?

so that is why she is here. even though nomi didn't technically tell her if she was a cool one or a crazy one, but she does agree that swords are cool. the math makes sense in her head. 

besides, she needs to get out and make herself useful. she loves nomi. she loves their adorable, silly little house, but she also loves kicking ass. and doing bad bitch shit, and feeling butch. 

the latter is well-maintained right now. dark joggers, cinched nightly at her trimmed waistline, a black muscle tee, and a slick leather jacket make for the perfect breaking in and getting away garb. her black boots are a bit heavier than they should be and she's a stomper, but eh, pobody's nerfect and all that. 

she shows up without the bird or the wolf for now, wanting introductions to go smoothly and without a hitch. there will be plenty of time for mayhem later, hopefully. 

she tries the door. a little bell chimes and she pokes her head in, blue eyes sweeping over rows of different old-timey armaments. 

"okay, yeah, this is sick as shit."
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 20:47:19 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The Mozarts of malfeasance
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]From her vantage point by the front desk, Aurelie broke into an enthusiastic grin when she heard the other redhead's spur-of-the-moment praise. "Glad you approve," she replied cheerfully, waving hello to the woman who surely must be Parker.

"Please, sit down if you'd like," the smith added, gesturing to the two chairs before the front desk, intended for customers. As she spoke, she moved toward the front door, flipped the sign to CLOSED, locked the door, and pulled down the shades for privacy.

"And please help yourself to some snacks too. I made vol-au-vents! Stuffed with sausage, bacon, mushrooms, and cheese. I hope you like them." Aurelie gestured at the plate crowded with savory, bite-sized puff pastries on the end table between the two chairs.

After all, she'd never been above deploying a little bribery to get what she wanted.

Surveying Parker with an analytical eye, Aurelie had to admit she was impressed. With her athletic build, well-defined musculature—at least, from what she could see under the leather jacket and T-shirt—and assertive bearing, Parker seemed like the complete opposite of Nomi. Right now, though, someone who was the complete opposite of a sweet, delicate, scholarly scientist was exactly what Aurelie needed.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to start at the beginning. "So, as you probably already guessed, I'm Aurelie. Welcome to my shop," she began, extending her hand to shake if Parker chose. "And you must be Parker.

"I've heard a little about you from Dr. Sato, so it's nice to meet you for real. Thank you very much for coming down here and meeting me."

The smith hesitated and then plunged ahead. "So...you and I, and Dr. Sato too—we all work for the same organization. And our organization's been...anticipating trouble. The kind of trouble that needs us to be well-armed and well-supplied. Including in metals."

Am I going too slowly and dragging this out too much? I'm dragging this out too much. Aurelie cleared her throat awkwardly.

"As it happens, I know of a metal supplier that has a warehouse full of materials in north Lilycove. I've been in there several times before, so I know the layout and floor plan. They have security cameras outside, and there's some night watchmen that patrol the outside after dark. I think they have ID cards they scan to get in and out, so if we can take those..."

Aurelie broke off then and shrugged. "At least, that's the best way I can think of to get in. Anyway, what do you think? Sound interesting?"


| Mission: Stealing Steel (CoC)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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parker jones
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 23:13:56 GMT
parker jones Avatar

oh, yeah, she's got a friendly face for sure. no wonder nomi talked so nicely about her. and, uh, snacks? brownie points to aurelie - or vol-au-vents points. parker digs in immediately, not needing to be asked twice. 

"oh, fuck," she groans around flaky crust. "this is delicious." chipmunk cheeks swell as she pops three in her mouth at once, too absorbed in the flavors in her mouth to notice aurelie looking her up and down. 

but she at least has the decency to pay attention while aurelie plays the hanky-panky around what's really going on. parker appreciates it, but she chuckles as she licks her fingers. 

"yeah, war's comin' 'n rocket needs us to get our shit in order. i'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down."

hmmm. it's a good plan, for sure. on paper. rarely do things go as planned. and that's, parker assumes, where she comes in. aurelie's the brain, parker's the brawns. if she's gotta knock a few heads, she can. 

she cracks her knuckles. 

"yeah, yeah. i got a greninja with sticky fingers who can nick 'em. shit hits the fan, i gotchu, girl. you got a doggy bag?" she points to the platter.
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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 23:27:43 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The Mozarts of malfeasance
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie couldn't help laughing aloud at Parker's cheerfully candid summary, even as she still nervously glanced toward the shop door and windows as if expecting to see a League operative furtively peeking in and eavesdropping on them. Still, Parker's way certainly got the point across a lot faster.

"Yeah, pretty much," she chuckled. "Sorry, I get used to talking in circles about Rocket stuff. I worry a lot about accidentally outing myself and getting this place shut down by the powers-that-be."

She did frown a little in thought when Parker volunteered her Greninja to help with the stealing, though. "I'm not sure it's so much about sticky fingers as it is raw strength. We'll see, of course, but...well, metal's heavy! Especially since I want to take a lot of it, if we can.

"So, how strong is your Greninja?"
she inquired, arching an eyebrow. "I was thinking I might be using my Golurk to lift things and play defense, if we need it to."

An amused smirk curved her lips at Parker's request for a doggy bag, followed quickly by a look of panic. "Oh! Crap! I keep meaning to order more custom-printed retail bags, but I totally forgot. Uhhh...hold that thought...let me see..."

Before Parker could say anything—if she was even intending to respond—the red-haired smith turned and disappeared through the door at the back of the shop. A few minutes of rattling sounds and low grumbles ensued. Eventually, Aurelie reemerged looking a little smudged with soot and coal dust, but triumphantly holding a wrinkled plastic grocery bag.

"Will this do?" she asked, offering it to Parker. "I mean, I can always just make you more snacks too. I usually offer crostini, but I figured I might as well get fancier with the vol-au-vents, considering I'm asking you for help here."

As always, it was validating to see Parker scarfing them down so eagerly. Darkness was falling outside, though, so unfortunately the two of them couldn't sit here and snack together forever. Aurelie sighed and cleared her throat.

"Anyway, let's get going to the warehouse and 'case the joint.'" Grinning, she made little air quotes with her fingers. Moving slowly and carefully to avoid looking threatening to the much more powerful-looking Parker, the red-haired smith tugged gently at the sleeve of her jacket.

"It's maybe a thirty-minute walk from here, or faster if you want to catch a taxi or hop a ride on the bus or something. Hopefully, we should arrive in time to see when the day and night patrols switch and find our...what do they call it in spy movies? Our 'window of opportunity.'"


| Mission: Stealing Steel (CoC)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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parker jones
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 16:29:06 GMT
parker jones Avatar

okay, yeah. she's cute. when nomi said she was a blacksmith, and that she made weapons and swords, parker imagined a hardass butch lesbian bent over an anvil. which, y'know, is hot in its own right, but it's not parker's type

this woman, who so plainly offers the keys to parker's heart by way of food, and with her clumsy babbles wouldn't have stood a chance against parker's wiles were she a single woman. but she is miraculously, somehow, deeply and ridiculously monogamous and obsessed, so thoughts of adorableness are grayscale against ME LIKE FOOD WOMAN

parker suggests the walk. if they're planning on stealing, the less eyes on them the better. but she keeps a quick pace, fueled by snackies. the plastic bag was also, unfortunately, left behind, because crinklies maybe wouldn't be great either. 

"got damn, okay, fuck jet then. we goin' full eldin, baby. i even brought one of my toilet stones for 'im." mega stones. specifically, her tyranitarite. she pulls it from her pocket to show aurelie. 

"so i'm thinkin' we skulk in there. no sense fighting in and out. let loose our bad boys, me 'n my bird hold the line and your golurk 'n eldin grab the goods?"
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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 2:46:22 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The Mozarts of malfeasance
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Had Aurelie been able to read Parker's mind about the appeal of cute women who offer her food, she probably would have salivated—or possibly more accurately, gotten wet—at the prospect of hooking up with Parker. Or, even better, Parker and Nomi! At the same time! Her mind and libido would have gone wild with the possibilities.

Luckily for the job, though, if not for her personal fantasy life, Aurelie was no telepath and was merely pleased that the vol-au-vents clearly helped her cause. They walked briskly together to the warehouse, arriving just as Lilycove's streetlamps flickered on.

Outside it, Parker promptly began talking gibberish, though her mega stone impressed the confused smith. She focused on the part of Parker's diatribe she did understand. "Skulking sounds good. Then yeah, snatch, and grab, and beat up anyone who gets in the way.

"I'm thinking maybe..."
She started to point, before clapping her hand to her forehead and groaning. "Oh, name of Arceus! Already? Is this a new guy keen on the job or something?"

The source of her wrath had just walked around the corner wearing a grey-and-yellow security guard uniform, with a Houndoom trotting at his heels. With no consideration for his lung health or anyone else's, he lit a cigarette. The tiny flare of the match was like a beacon in the violet dusk.

"I think we're going to have to just take him out," Aurelie spat out in a low but still indignant voice. "He or his Pokemon will probably raise the alarm otherwise. And that'd be a whole mess."

Besides, if we manage it, maybe we can steal his keys or his entrance badge or whatever and have an easier time getting in, she thought. But even thinking it made the smith worry she'd jinx it, so she didn't say it aloud.

"I figure if we attack both at once, from different angles, we can come in hard and fast," she whispered instead. "Like in a video game, you know? We tag-team him.

"So, which one do you want? To knock out, I mean? The guy or his Houndoom?"
She glanced back at the man, who was smoking blithely away while his Houndoom sniffed at a nearby garbage can. "My Golurk's not the greatest at sneak attacks, but it can easily overpower either of them..."


| Mission: Stealing Steel (CoC)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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march 21
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parker jones
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 19:31:24 GMT
parker jones Avatar

okay, wait, hold up, parker's definitely a one girl woman as far as the lovey dovey goes, but if nomi and aurelie ever wanted...no, actually. the more parker thinks about it, the more she thinks she might end up strangling aurelie for looking at nomi the wrong way, nevermind touching her. and nomi might send her into a cosmic horror hellscape of her own nightmares if it were her hands on parker.

hmmm, yeah, maybe she's the most monogamous person ever.

parker throws a couple of fake and sneaky, skulky punches, but then actually stops fucking around when aurelie tells them to hold up.

she eyes the houndoom and then the man. gives the man the up and down. he's definitely doughy. she doesn't even need remus for this.

"oh yeah, i got homeboy 's long 's your golurk c'n fuck up that dog." she rolls up her sleeves, cracks her knuckles, and gives aurelie enough time to set herself up before sneaking closer. and then it's all uphill, baby. 

one punch to the nose has him reeling, neck exposed, and it's simple math wrangling herself around him, bicep to neck, to choke him out. 
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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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Aurelie Lefevre
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 22:34:34 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The Mozarts of malfeasance
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]If Aurelie had ever known the dire ramifications of openly propositioning either Parker or Nomi for a threesome, she'd probably never risk broaching the subject. Though, when she saw how swiftly and athletically Parker knocked out the security guard, she might've wondered if just a little strangling and nightmare realm-visiting would be worth getting as close as humanly possible to that.

Alas, both regrettably and mercifully, she was focused only on the guard's Houndoom. Her Golurk's pace was plodding and relentless rather than swift, so the canine was able to give a few warning barks before the golem Pokemon vented its feelings in a furious STOMPING TANTRUM.

As the Houndoom fainted, Aurelie tensed, expecting more guards to show up. To her puzzlement, no one did. As she bent to grab the unconscious guard's ID badge, she noticed none of the security cameras seemed to be on, either.

"Well, that wasn't too bad," she marveled in a low voice, glancing around suspiciously. "Easier than I expected, honestly. I wonder what we'll find when we get inside?"

The side door clicked open easily when she swiped the ID badge. She and Parker peeked inside, thinking they'd see a quiet, orderly warehouse being patrolled on regular rounds by watchful, keen-eyed security guards and their Pokemon. The reality, however, proved astonishingly different.

In a far corner of the warehouse, about four or five guards noisily ransacked a stack of crates and boxes and crowed in triumph when they found lengths of copper pipe, wire, and bars. Even from here, Aurelie could hear them blathering excitedly about how much the copper would sell for on the black market or even to Rocket. Their Pokemon napped or lounged nearby, unconcerned.

Aurelie gaped open-mouthed and then slowly smirked. "Well, that's a wildcard I never saw coming. Gotta love a little healthy greed and corruption, though, right? I bet if we don't call too much attention to ourselves and just take...oh, let's see..."

Ducking her head to avoid anyone possibly noticing a flash of red in their vision, she slinked toward the nearest storage shelves under the sign labeled STEEL PIPING AND TUBING. With a grunt, Aurelie hefted a bundle of steel pipes, staggered slightly, handed it to her Golurk, and picked up a smaller bundle.

Only then did she notice another security guard snoozing behind the steel pipes, who awoke with a start at the clatter she made. "Hey! Newbie, your rounds outside shouldn't be over ye... Wait a minute... You're not the new guy, are you? Who the hell are you?"

He climbed to his feet, pulled out his nightstick, and rushed at her. With her arms full of steel, Aurelie glanced at Parker.

"Ack! Cover me, will you?" Aurelie exclaimed, rather more satisfied than scared. "And then we'll make a run for it. Or at least a waddle."


| Mission: Stealing Steel (CoC)

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]

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march 21
debt collector
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parker jones
A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 2:03:23 GMT
parker jones Avatar

it's a good thing parker met nomi when she did because aurelie's a damn treat, and if she had any idea what the woman was thinking about her, her brain might go on the fritz. which, y'know, isn't great when you're in the middle of a job.

it's why parker struggles so much with contacts she's gotta shake down if they're hot women.

parker pats him on the cheek when it's done and wishes him a nighty night. as promised, aurelie handles the mutt with her trusty wusty golurk. parker admires the golem pokemon and instantly decides she needs to find some way to get one. if only she can use it as a sparring partner. 

but aurelie's right. it does feel easy. and anything that comes easy has a catch. or is a lie. or some other witty third thing.

parker follows dutifully and has to stop herself from guffawing like an exploud when it all clicks into place. gods, people really are the scum of the earth, aren't they? or is shit just this bad?

oh well. 

she wants to help aurelie get the pipes and wants to insist that she can most certainly carry more so please hand it to her before she hurts herself, but another guard wakes up from his naptime and bears down on her. 

parker assesses the situation, waits, and when he raises the nightstick, she slides in between the two of them, heel catching his ankle, fingers wrapped around his wrist. he goes ass over teakettle and hits his head pretty hard on the ground. 

parker bops him on the head when he groans. 

"sit," she says with a wolfish grin. then she tosses the stick and holds her arms out to aurelie. 

"lemme get that for ya. and grab whatever else ya want. let's skedaddle."
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October 13
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A Little Night Burglary [M]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 2:11:52 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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